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My concert photography 1977-2020. This page will be huge when I finish. Here are a few up to the 1990’s. I’ll update this with other photos as time and inclination permits, but with 1,000 concerts under my belt there is a lot to draw from. Click on the first photo and then the arrow on the right edge to scroll through the photos.
My “scorecard” of musicians and actors I have seen perform:
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – 82
Blues Hall of Fame – 54
Country Music Hall of Fame – 8
Oscar winners – 21
Emmy winners – 18
Warren Haynes (when with the Allman Brothers)
Anson Funderburgh - a huge influence on my musical taste
Doyle Bramhall II and "The" Doyle Bramhall. A rare appearance together, unfortunately cut short by the storm visible in the upper right corner.
Johnny Clyde Copeland (Shemekia Copeland's father, she sang a couple of tunes that night. I think she was still a teenager.)
Ronnie Dawson - rockabilly!
Adrian Legg and Eric Johnson
Elton John and Billy Joel co-headlining tour
Robben Ford (I first saw him in 1974 in George Harrison's band.)
Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown (first blues performer I ever saw, about 1977. This photo 1995.)
Alan Haynes. Favorite living Texas blues guitarist.
Alan Haynes playing Stevie Ray Vaughan's guitar.
The Hoax - a great band from the UK
The Hoax and others backstage
Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders
Kim Wilson of the Fabulous Thunderbirds
Robbie Kreiger of The Doors, 1995
Smokin' Joe Kubek and Bnois King
Kenny Wayne Shepherd about 1996
Lester Polfus, better known as Les Paul
Robert "Junior" Lockwood, Cleveland 1995
Lyle Lovett in the early "tall hair" days
Robert Plant and Jimmy Page, formerly Led Zeppelin
Keb' Mo' and Bonnie Raitt
Robert Cray, Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray's brother, Eric Clapton